SET sound without a lot of money

Any experience or opinions on the Almarros, Music Ref RM10 mkii, or the Joule Electra Stargate amplifires? Looking for a good SET experience without overly-colored sound or congestion, while pushing enough current to excercise existing 91db speakers at low to moderate volume. I would like to swap one of these occassionally into my system without having to rebuild (re-buy)a whole new system to accomodate a tradional low-watt 2A3, 45, or 300b amp.

What kind of speaker do you have. Speakers vary so much, they may say they are 91db efficient but then they take a ton of power to drive.
I have owned the RM-9 and RM-10, but a different points in time. I wouldn't say the RM-10 is a considerable upgrade over the RM-9. They are both outstanding amplifiers. I will say if you don't require the 100 watt output the RM-9 the RM-10 will not disappoint you.

Personally, for SET amps, those suggesting the Almarro might be on to something. It's an amp I've considered before.
I'm really impressed with my Sophia Baby Electric which I picked up for around $400.