Mono blocks that can provide that golden sound...

I cureently own a pair of Pass Labs XA160.5s. They are a incredible sounding pair of mono blocks but they tale a very long time to warm up and settle down. I refuse to listen to them untill they are warmed and settled as when they are first turned on the sound is 2D, flat, non ingaging and just not much enjoyment at first. When they are warmed up they are to die for and would be lifers for me if not for the long warmup time which can take 1-2 hours of playing music. I can't afford to just let them stay on 24/7 as I tried once and they added $100+ to my electric bill and wife was not happy about it.

So, can anyone reccomand a pair om mons that provide the same or very close to the signature sound of the Pass that require very little warm up time like 30mins or less? Alos must be new or used under $13K. Not 100% sure to keep or swap out yet. Thanks!
Yeah, well, I think you just have to find a way to keep the amps you have. As much as I like Lamm, I would see no point of getting them unless you actually like their sound with your speakers more than with Pass.
You might be interested in this test that I did.
Jtwrace: great link and post. thank you. i tried something similar when i got my amp a couple years ago. my test used a more caveman like technology then yours, as i laid a wall thermometer on top of the amp =). i noticed no increase in temp after about 45 minutes.....lets call it an hour to be safe (from standby mode).

i've read countless posts about 2 hour++ warm up times and always wondered how/why it would take this long?. up to 2 hours i can maybe buy into....but 3? 4? or more i just don't get.

i'll just file this under the thousand other thing i don't get about this hobby.....unless someone has an explanation.
I have a different take than measuring temperature.
I took my last Pass Aleph 30 & plugged (only) it into a PS Audio P300.
The amp drew 210 watts on the P300 meter upon start up.
(This amp has no standby mode).
After approximately 35 minutes, the amp would draw a constant 190 watts, and just stay there from then on.
The sound stabilized in conjunction with the temp...
My source was a Sony XA7ES with variable out. This player was on in my bedroom system for the last 10 years, unless I left town.