Audio Research VT100 tube replacement

Hi everyone, I am new to tube amps and I need to re-tube this amp. I have discovered that some music lovers prefer the sound of NOS tubes over the ones Audio Research sells. I will have my Audio Research dealer bias the amp when I purchase the new tubes. My question is what tubes would some of you with more experience suggest. My musical tastes include pop, rock, dance and some classical. I do enjoy listening at moderate to higher volumes most of the time (don't know if that helps in choosing tubes). My preference would be for smooth sounding highs and mids with punchy bass, my ears are sensitive to higher frequencies and I find that I get listener fatigue very easily from a lot of different solid state and certain metal dome tweeters. Any suggestions would be much appreciated, also any tube retailers that you have had good experience with would be great. Thanks to all and happy holidays
"I will have my Audio Research dealer bias the amp when I purchase the new tubes"

Let us know what dealer will do that - rare bird?
VT series is very difficult to rebias for the correct
tubes, let alone tubes that arent intended. See that VT100
(MaKE 1 at least )doesnt really bias at each tube- you just set the hole channel at once, and that is why well match tubes are needed.
I recommend sending your amp to ARC for tube replacement. They will match the tubes appropriately and make necessary adjustments. Your amp will return sounding the way it is supposed to sound. Sending your amp to ARC for tube replacement will cost more, but it will be worth it in the long run.
"I will have my Audio Research dealer bias the amp when I purchase the new tubes"

*Let us know what dealer will do that - rare bird?
VT series is very difficult to rebias for the correct
tubes, let alone tubes that arent intended*

To the OP, I'd ask, are you sure it needs needs new tubes? If so, all of them? I had a VT100 MKII. I put in new output tubes myself, & "biased" them. It's very difficult, to say the least. I did call Audio Research before that, & they quoted me a price of $500 (+shipping) to do it.

But yeah, I'd want to know the tech is first rate....
I bought a set of 6550's from a well known online seller for an ARC VT 100 mk2, and upon firing up the amp, blew a tube, which took out a resistor. So I had to send the amp to ARC for repair, and I bought tubes from them after all. So I wished I had just bought from them in the first place. If you buy from them, they are guaranteed not to fry your amp. So my advice, just buy from them, which means spending a little more, and getting well tested tubes.