Ayon Spirit 3 what speaker combo will u recommend?

Just pulled the crazy trigger again on the Ayon Spirit 3, was wondering the best combos for the amp. It looks like ill be playing mostly computer music through a DAC with secondary dvd/cd source form the venerable oppo 95. I was thinking about the VR 33 but is wondering whether anybody out there has better suggestions. I have other speakers lying around but i doubt if they would do this amp justice, ML source and triton 2. my room is small though as this is my never ending office setup. 15x15 room with carpets.
Sionlim- I'm in NJ.. FYI if you haven't ordered the tubes yet.. my favorite tube source and a fellow I've bought from for years, and who is as honest as they come is Andy Bowman at Vintage Tube Services http://vintagetubeservices.com/
I also wanted to mention since I believe in full disclosure, I very recently became a Proac dealer.. I don't think that invalidates my opinion that the Ayon and Proac's work beautifully together.. Proac's and tubes have always been the way to go. ARC and Proac also make a great match, but I've never been a fan of ARC not fusing or protecting the biasing resistors so that when (not if) a tube goes usually it takes out the resistors too..
Sionlim - you can ask Kevian Deal at Upscale Audio about the Pl tubes, but would guess that they are "basic" chinese tubes just with the PL branding - maybe the base line Shunguang
Bottom line with tubes is that for the most part real NOS stuff is the best.. problem is that as regards tubes like KT88's the real ones are crazy expensive.. of course I'll wager that a quad of real MO Valve or GEC KT88's would out last ANY of the new ones by a factor of 4, so maybe if one figures the improved SQ and the extra life then maybe it's not such a bad deal?
was advised by jesse brent tubes to try out mullard nos 1950, man they made the highs float all around me! insane