TRL Dude or Joule 150 MKII for Major Pre Upgrade

Thinking of either of these for what I view as a huge pre upgrade in my system. Current system is:

-Celestion A3
-Krell KAV250a (500 wpc/4 ohms).
-Nohr CD-1
-Rotel 995 preamp

I am looking to pickup warmth, depth and much more soundstage. Quality bass is also important to me. I want to keep the Celestions and feel that my current pre is the weakest link. Will also will update my digital source and ss amp down the road.

My thinking is that it will be worth paying up a bit for a higher quality pre that I can grow into.

Also I have a small naive question...with either of these pre amps will the sound difference be that great compared to the Rotel.

Thanks...any comments are appreciated.

If you google Music Reference or try to get there from teh Agon link the web page doesn't seem to exist,maybe that's why you aren't hearing back
For many years, I have purchased tubes from Roger at Music Reference. He personally answered the phone on each occasion and spent an abundant amount of time chatting with me. Being a small business owner is not easy, please give him the benefit of the doubt.
Paul answers his phone and will always get back right away and help. I must say this is not true of all small "one man" companies. I have still not heard back from Roger at Music Reference and I emailed/called to actually buy his amps - RM10.I decided to buy another amp now. He is one example and unfortunately I know of many others in this business. Paul will respond to customers.
Interesting!!! Seriously considering RM300 after getting the KT-120 results from Roger.

I have similar experiences with Paul. His gears are reliable and built to last many lifetimes plus EXCELLENT sound.
Ever notice how a 5 minute call with Roger turns into 1 hour? Always interesting.