C 2400 with P ?? ,what is better E 460 E E 550 ??

can someone help me on this,the sellers are all telling me different things, so i downt no anymore what to do,
is it better to have a pre amp and rear amp, ore 1 integrated amp
i have now a C 2400+ P450 i think it is time to change the P450 for something betters ore a integrated one
my speakers are Dynaudio S3.4 with kimber kable 12 tc.
xlr kable also kimber

Oh great. Here we go again with yet another ZZ9114 vs. JECT674 rant. Can't you guys ever agree on anything?

Hey Nick, on the off-chance that this was a serious attempt at first post, welcome to the forum and please try to provide more info about your system, such as what companies manufacture your existing pre-amp and power amp.