Comments on Bryston or Krell for Dyn Temptations

I am currently driving a pair of Dyn Temptation speakers with a Parasound A21 amp and ARC Anniversary pre-amp. Would like to make a big upgrade to Amp, and would like comments on the Krell Evo 900e and Bryston 28BSST2 amplifiers. Looking at mono amplifiers, and have read great things about both the Krell and Bryston monos for both clarity and bass extension and resolution. I have read enough to conclude that higher power amps would be a proper step. Any other thoughts on power would also be welcome.
Symphonic music is the most demanding type of music for an amplifier, requiring the most power, but the Ayre and darTZeel amplifiers I discussed are both sufficiently powerful for the Temptations provided that your listening room is not really big - both amps have excellent power supplies and have no problems with symphonic peaks.

In any event, you should be focusing on what is going to sound best MOST OF THE TIME - if 95% of your listening is at normal volumes, then you should focus on quality. In addition to darTZeel and Ayre, you should consider top quality tubes amps that are zero-feedback, Class A-biased triode designs. I also really respect and like the CAT amps - they use a few decibels of global feedback and it is difficult to find the right tubes for them, but they nonetheless sound superb and are enormously powerful.

Good luck.
Thanks again for your comments. I'm sure I will enjoy the journey of selecting and purchasing new amplifiers, and in the meantime enjoy the music with my Dyn/ Parasound/ ARC combination. I'm definitely not suffering with this set up right now.

My room is definitely not too big. The Parasound A21 provides plenty of power. Don't think I have ever reached the limit of the amp at this point, so have no concern over your recommended amps driving the Dyns to both normal levels or above normal levels. Absolutely agree with finding the best sound at my normal listening levels.
also consider the Hegel H-30; reviews will be forthcoming; its a brute of an amp; without the feedback issues; and should be considered in the same category. i have Bryston 28sst's; and really enjoy them on my 87db Venture speakers...great control; fantastic base; great sound stage and noise; or choked sound..have not heard your Dyn speakers... don't forget the 20 year warranty and great reliability of Bryston;and synergy with preamp is also important...sounds like you will notice a nice improvement regardless of which path you choose. Good luck; let us know.
Thanks, Mribob. I have never heard of the Hegels so did some reading. Will be interesting as reviews get published for the Hegels. Will definitely keep an eye and ear out. Thanks for the comments on the Brystons. I have the Bryston CD player and absolutely love it. Glad to hear you are enjoying these with your system. Interesting I don't see too many of the big Bryston's for resale, so I bet others are enjoying just as you are. I agree that I am trying to transition from really good to better. While I enjoy tweaking and upgrading, I love listening.