Anyone using a NAD M3 with Maggies?

I am looking at upgrading my Jolida 302a. I auditioned the M3 paired with Focal ~800 series speakers and it sounded fabulous. I have Maggies 1.6qr and wondering how they would sound with the M3.
Has anyone heard maggies powered by an M3?

Do you think this would be a good mate?
Thank you in advance.
As for powering a 4 ohm load the NAD should be fine, as specs go down to rated 2 ohms.
It is all in how the amp sounds to YOU.

As an aside, not many audiophiles have any interest in the NAD. What taht says about NAD I cannot explain.
The retail $2,800. is a lot to just guess at it working with your speakers.
You really need to convince the dealer to allow a home demo, so you can actually decide.
Without a home demo, I would have to pass.

I have Bryston with my Maggies.
And plenty of used good amps out there which have been suggested with Maggies.
Elizabeth, demoing sounds like the prudent thing to do.

Which Bryston model do you have and how do you like it?

The M3 sounds a lot better than the stigma most attach to NAD product. I recently got the C375BEE (the lower down on the line-up) integrated by NAD as a smaller second system. Speakers and sourcing aside it does remarkably well and has plenty of power for most full range speakers at moderate levels.

I've always been impressed with the M3. I think you'd be pleasantly surprised, and hard pressed to find another integrated in that price range that could hang with Maggies...