845 Tube Amps

Does anyone know which 845 Tube Amps are currently being produced?

I believe it’s possible for an 845 to deliver all the punch and dynamics you could ask for if it is used in a circuit that is well matched to the speaker. Pentode amplifiers will deliver that same punch and dynamics to a wider range of speakers.

We all have our preferences, but I have heard most major tube types deliver outstanding sound when employed correctly in a well designed amplifier.
Phaelon, Goldprintaudio and Martyk1,

Thank you so much for your inputs.
I have just got the Tannoy Canterbury SE speakers and am researching on a suitable Amp to match this. I don't want to hijack this thread, so I am opening a separate thread right away to discuss this. Thanks so much for your inputs !

I happen to be a Tannoy dealer also and can tell for sure that the 2 Audion 845 amps (Elite 3 box and Black Shadow2) sound absolutely fantastic with your speakers (great choice by the way!). The Cary also does an extremely fine job matching up with the Tannoys.

***Audion, Cary and Tannoy dealer disclaimer***
Thanks Goldprintaudio, I shall read more about these amps. The previous owner was not quite happy with Cary though.
BTW, I have created a separate thread for "Amp recommendations for Tannoy Canterbury SE".