MA2275 Issue need some advice

Looking for some advice. McIntosh MA2275 integrated and the left channel sounds dirty, at higher volumes the bass sounds staticy and broken, almost like a blown speaker. Using B&W 805D's, swapping the speakers the problem is still there but on the other speaker so its coming from the amp and not the speaker. Do the tubes need replacing?
OK changed the tubes from right to left and still having an issue on the left channel. Does anyone know if the MA2275 shares any of the tubes?
One more check. Trace your cables on the left side including speaker and IC.

Not sure about sharing for the MA2275.
Lapierre, checked the cables and the interconnects, even removed them and connected with bare wire still having the problem. You said to check the fuse before, wouldn't the fuse either work or not work? Their is only one fuse so wouldn't that effect both channels? It's a slo-blo type fuse.
Someone else may want to check this to make sure. When I read a schematic like this (lot of parts) from a pdf reader, I get eye fatigue.

Anyway the way I can see is the V4 and V5 are for the phono. They share the left and right half in each individual tube.

The V6 and V7 (gain tubes) also share a left and right in each individual tube.

So assuming the V4 and V5 was physically swapped left to right side (of amp), the V4 and V5 would have should have replaced the gain tubes V6 and V7. I'm thinking the phono (V4+V5) and gain (V6+V7) shouldn't have a bad section on the same side (half) of two tubes. At least it doesn't seem likely, but strange things can happen. A lot of other parts in there. Possibly a solid state part, or other. You could call MAC to make sure also.

The center tubes (V5 to V7) aren't mirrored on top of the chassis, meaning the two on the left isn't for the one channel, and the two on the right side are not for the right channel only.

All of the other tubes (not center four) are for the side they are on I believe.

Link for schematic for anyone else. []
I hope your using other inputs than phono also. And, if it did the same with other inputs, the above would have worked. Otherwise it could be a bad gain, or phono tube if you just used phono in.