Ayon Audio Forum- all questions and suggestion

Since there has been quite a bit of questions of upgrades and speaker synergy and tubes, some of us Ayon Owners decided to start a little thread.

Questions of how,what,when and have are all welcome

Have Fun and Be Positve !
I use the Ayon Spark as a change of pace from my Pathos Inpol integrated. It really is a great amp. I compared it with the Orion and it was a big step up in clarity, detail, transparency. If you can get away with 20 watts and I can with my Daedalus DA-Rma 96DB speakers, it is a bargain at the price.

I am sure I'm not the first to say this, but I don't know how they can make their range in Austria, for the price they charge. I would expect them to be built in China.

I have used a number of tube integrated amps, including the well respected Viva Solista at about twice the price. I prefer the Spark.
Daedalus and Ayon integrated owner here too -- but on the larger side. My Ulysses / Triton II combo has little fault IMO. Fast, dynamic, clear and detailed... I was thinking of going with a CD 5s but decided on a DAC. will be bypassing the Tritons pre section and going direct with a Lampizator L4 DAC w/ vol control. Should be a step up from my curent source and hope to better hear the capabilitys of the Ayon all over again.
That's just another great thing about the triton. I can bypass the amps or the pre section if I want to demo gear.
I would love to know the Tubes that came with the CD 07 so as to change them, according to Girt in an interview he stated that my player-the PCB boards came from China and sent to Austria everything else was assembled in AUSTRIA.
The Manual certainly does suggest it came from Europe as it never said anything.
I too have a few tube amps and have tried a few tube changes-ie rollings except mine came from advise.
Prima Luna premium prologue , mono 7 and Manley ITUBE which needs a bunch of tube rollings. IF suggestions for the CD 07 tube changes can be given i am all EARS.
I have nothing to do with AYON whatsoever but Paul from usatubeaudio-pointed me in this direction and all i have is thanks for him.
@ the seventh- please dont limit yourself in the posts as i messed up on that and reynolds might be going to change it.
Ayon s3 impressed many listener here, i am planning to get one, anyone here ever heard ayon s3 ?