Ayon Audio Forum- all questions and suggestion

Since there has been quite a bit of questions of upgrades and speaker synergy and tubes, some of us Ayon Owners decided to start a little thread.

Questions of how,what,when and have are all welcome

Have Fun and Be Positve !
what XLR Ics did you have when you ahd a noise and do you have now? I am not clear how changing to a more shielded balanced ICS can resolve very high gain (this create a ping and noise for sure) that coming from Ayon thru XLR path.
anyone knows what the low and high gain stand for in the CD players and also why does the volume get so loud on balance making it difficult to contol volume.

I am using Stagg's one meter mic cable XMC1XX which they list as their audiophile grade with Neutrik connectors. I prefer not to mention the previous ones at this time because I am still working with the designer to see if my pair may have had a defect. I am assuming that the shielding may have made the difference but can't be sure. I have talked to a cable designer that feels better shielding may be necessary with the impedences in my system.
I am now using Stagg's one meter mic cable XMC1XX which they list as their audiophile grade with Neutrik connectors at a cost of $30 a piece. I would prefer not to mention the last balanced IC by name as I am still working with the manufacturer to see if my pair had a defect. A respected cable designer said that he thought that extra shielding would solve the problem caused by impedence. I do not know enough to know if he is correct, but the mic cable definitely worked.
I received news from Ayon that they are about to start delivering CD-5s units with a new 24/192 USB board. The price of these updated players will go up modestly which is to be expected. At this stage, Ayon are still working on upgrade kits for existing CD-5/5s owners, though I am told existing owners will be notified when the upgrade kits become available. The cynical part of me questions why the CD-5s was released sans the new board? Hopefully we can shed some light on this.