Ayon Audio Forum- all questions and suggestion

Since there has been quite a bit of questions of upgrades and speaker synergy and tubes, some of us Ayon Owners decided to start a little thread.

Questions of how,what,when and have are all welcome

Have Fun and Be Positve !
I already get 24/192 from a Wavelength Wavelink HS box from my MacBookAir computers and it sounds pretty damn good. I've also begun to use a Weiss INT202 Firewire interface for my Mini.

Not all USB implementations are created equal, despite a 24/192 moniker.

I don't think this upgrade is a "must do" the way the analog preamp volume control and analog inputs were from the 5 to 5S though I think Ayon should be mindful of their loyal customers' tolerance for these continual cycles :)

I myself moved from a CD2S used to a CD5S new.

I have moved the CD5S from my main system which is a combo HT/2 channel setup and will partner it with a Plinius SA-Reference Class A power amp and a pair of Australian made Lenehan ML2 Reference speakers.
Drat. Perhaps you should pressure him to offer it free to previous owners. You seem to have his ear.
Melbguy1, thank you for the update. I agree with your observations, Ayon should consider the fact that the Ayon just establishing itself in the market and does not have loyal base and brainwashed by marketing and dealers buyers yet as say Esoteric or DCS. But what do you think ayon cd-6 may have that will elevate its performance from ayon cd-5s? Separate power supply?
Gammajo, I don't believe the new USB board should be offered free to existing CD-5s owners. It is not a critical component in the player & remember Ayon spent more than a year developing just the own Windows 7 software for the USB driver alone. My own view which I expressed to Gerhard is that the cost to existing 5s owners should be ameliorated as much as possible however.