Ayon Audio Forum- all questions and suggestion

Since there has been quite a bit of questions of upgrades and speaker synergy and tubes, some of us Ayon Owners decided to start a little thread.

Questions of how,what,when and have are all welcome

Have Fun and Be Positve !
Gammajo, I don't believe the new USB board should be offered free to existing CD-5s owners. It is not a critical component in the player & remember Ayon spent more than a year developing just the own Windows 7 software for the USB driver alone. My own view which I expressed to Gerhard is that the cost to existing 5s owners should be ameliorated as much as possible however.
03-05-12: Denon1,
Ayon have been around long enough, and in particular have invested a lot in product development which has enabled them to earn a loyal customer base, albeit smaller than icons like Pass or ARC. Ayon have no plans for a CD-6 or something like that. Please understand the CD-5s is already at the limit. However Ayon have just released a new dedicated transport (CD-T) in the last week to compliment the Skylla 2 dac. Wish I had the space, that combination should sound wonderful!
DH, thanks for sharing your thoughts on server-based music. I'll read up on your suggestions. When I eventually archive my cd's, I favor using a high end server connected via SPDIF like Gammajo which gives you the benefit of native 24/192 resolution. No need for a USB update!
I currently have an Ayon Spirit III and have been dabbling in isolation. Any one of you running isolation platform/pucks with your Ayon and what sonic impact has it made, if any? Thanks!
Hi Jarraa, I am using an Acoustic Revive RST-38 board under my CD-5s. Although the CD-5s (like all Ayon products) is well isolated, being a tube component with moving parts it will benefit from further isolation. I didn't do back to back comparisons with and without the AR board, but I sense there is greater transparency, and a smoother more organic sound with the RST-38 board. It is really unique in that rather than using inferior layers of granite, glass or composite materials, AR are using granules of natural crystal to achieve opposing goals. Ie: reduced distortion/noise & higher resolution and warm, smooth, organic sound at the same time. Highly recommended!