Ayon Audio Forum- all questions and suggestion

Since there has been quite a bit of questions of upgrades and speaker synergy and tubes, some of us Ayon Owners decided to start a little thread.

Questions of how,what,when and have are all welcome

Have Fun and Be Positve !
Any tip to learn the IR codes of the Ayon with an universal remote (I have a Philips Pronto TSU 9600) ? No way to make it work, this is the only one my Pronto can't understand :-(
@ Melkior,, Man-o-man this player opened up on the vocals yesterday, very impressive!, I did not know these 6h30 tubes would sound like the 12ax7 tubes on vocals!, maybe its the player!, who knows, right?, the 6h30 tubes are suppose to not sound like that on vocals?,, LOL!, whatever,right?,, Hey, I believe I will take the plunge with the 1980 6h30p-DR tubes, them damn tubes are crazy exspensive,,, $275.00 U.S.D.!,, A piece, wow!,, I do not know what you have for an I/c? but dude!, this Taralabs zero gold I/C is kicking a-- and taking names latter, very finnese!,, the tube up-grade may take 2 months, I just dropped $9,515.00 in the system!, need to recover from that,LOL!,, I have no answers for the remote deal, sorry on that, thankyou for the above info,that helped knowing!, I enjoy talking to you here, keep it coming my friend! Happy Listening!
Hello Audiolabyrinth :-)

Yes, quite surprising to have a so good midrange with 6H30 ! Believe me, when coupled to 845 tubes power amps, it's just incredible !
For my interconnects I have pure silver cables for digital cables (from http://artisansilvercables.com/what.htm ) Impressive cables, same level as Wireworld Platinium but much much cheaper (I have an USB + AES/EBU).
I/C between Ayon CD5 and power amps are Sommercables Galileo 238+, very cheap cable or Mogami 2549, very cheap also, but they do their job :-) This is something I should upgrade, but no idea at the moment. My monos are located closed to the speakers so I would need 1,8m I/C each side. High end cables for this length will be very expensive. Any suggestion is of course welcome :-)

I use the Ayon CD5 directly coupled to Cary CAD 211 AE 845 monos or GamuT M200 MK3 solid states monos. I also use a Mac Book Pro with Pure Music or Audirvana as players with an Alpha USB from Bekerley to convert USB to AES/EBU. All this ends up in the AES input of the Ayon and later flows out of the speakers like hell :-)
@ Melkior,, wow!, you have alot going on there!,, I just persuaded 3 members to go Taralabs cables, they spent money on the used market here and bought new,, They absolutly love these cables and had no regrets!,One of my member friends is waiting on a 5-meter run of the Taralabs 0.8EX I/C to run from pre to mono amps, He put a meter balanced from analog pre-amp to pre-amp and was astonished!,,, depends on what you are willing to spend, I know the Tara house sound very well, so I believe I can give compentent recommendations for that cable brand,,you may want to buy used to get your feel of the sound first,, But I warn you,once you do that, you will want more with no resavations!,, cheers!
Hello :-)

The GamuT M200 MK3 monos arrived this week, they are directly connected to the CD5 with RCAs, and no ground noise at all, even if their imput impedance is 40 KOhms, no tried yet the XLR input (only 20 KOhms) but I'll do it soon.
At the begining I found the sound too powefull at low volume, but after checking the amps gain, it was set up on 35 db, so I set it down to 23 db (internal switch) and everything came back to normal. The CD5 works on the 4V outup gain and I use the volume between -40 to - 20 ( around 1,5V to 3V) it's perfect.
I'll have a glance to Tara Labs cables, thanks for the info :-)