Ayon Audio Forum- all questions and suggestion

Since there has been quite a bit of questions of upgrades and speaker synergy and tubes, some of us Ayon Owners decided to start a little thread.

Questions of how,what,when and have are all welcome

Have Fun and Be Positve !
Hello :-)

The GamuT M200 MK3 monos arrived this week, they are directly connected to the CD5 with RCAs, and no ground noise at all, even if their imput impedance is 40 KOhms, no tried yet the XLR input (only 20 KOhms) but I'll do it soon.
At the begining I found the sound too powefull at low volume, but after checking the amps gain, it was set up on 35 db, so I set it down to 23 db (internal switch) and everything came back to normal. The CD5 works on the 4V outup gain and I use the volume between -40 to - 20 ( around 1,5V to 3V) it's perfect.
I'll have a glance to Tara Labs cables, thanks for the info :-)
@ melkior,, Have you got your 6h30p-DR tubes yet?, if so, what year did you get?,, cheers!
I bought the 6H30-DR three years ago, sincerely I don't know which year they have been produced, but I can check in the player if some figures are still written on them. Anyway I have to open the unit to put some Reflector 6C4P I should receive soon.
If I remember I bought them to "thetubestore", they had a few ones in stock at this time, price was 160$ per tube. I put them in the player one year ago only.

Bad news for the XLR input of my power amps with the CD5 = strong ground noise. RCA are OK so I'm saved :-)
@ melkior, hi, man!, thats exactly the way we run the 2s,,,,-40 to -20, with 2.5 volts to the Krell 700cx direct!,, awsome!, The amp is 3.3 volts sensativity input!, cheers!
@ Melkior,, your 6h30p-Dr tubes might be 1986 tubes, Here in the U.S. The 6h30p-Dr 1980 tubes are $275.00 a piece!, Thats what I am going to buy!, Said to me The 1980 tubes were better in every way!, LOL!, For that kind of money they best work miracles, Right?,, I have a question, Does new tubes have to break-in?, and if so, was it as long as the player had to?, I hated going thru all this break-in period!, cheers!