Ayon Audio Forum- all questions and suggestion

Since there has been quite a bit of questions of upgrades and speaker synergy and tubes, some of us Ayon Owners decided to start a little thread.

Questions of how,what,when and have are all welcome

Have Fun and Be Positve !
Guys- I have a cd-5- IF I just anted to use it as a transport- can I and how would I hook it up to a preamp- thanks
@ Bopper, Hi,flip the toggle switch on back of player from direct to amp to nomal, then use your supplied remote and mash the vol select button and go from volume to fixed volume, this will set the player to full signal for use with a pre-amp, then you experiment with the gain toggle switch on back of player from low gain to high gain, to see what best matches the pre-amp you are useing,to be able to hear what the best match would be is to turn the volune very loud on the pre-amp with the gain on back of your ayon on high gain, if the sound is not clear, then switch the gain back to low gain for a better sound, this varys with different pre-amps,,, cheers!
@ Melkior, Thanyou for the very informative answer!, very good explaination, Do you believe the Dr tubes are worth the up-grade for $275.00 a tube x 4??, cheers!
Quite cheap for a 6H30DR quad ! If you can afford I think you will be granted for your investment :-)

I don't know how long you have been living with the Ayon, but to enjoy better the DR tubes benefit, you should maybe live enough time with the original tubes in order to have your ears used to its sound, and be sure everything is broken in. Then you switch to DR tubes and listen to several pieces of music you think you know by heart. Then see what happen.. :-)
If you hear things you did not noticed previously or if something surprise you, a detail in the background, a voice more sensual, you're on the right way !
When I bought my DR's I wait several months before switching (Ok I was a bit lazy..) and then I appreciate them a lot. If you starts with, you'll never know where they are better.
@ melkior,, I will take your advice, I have close to 300 hrs of burn-in time now with the new Ayon 2s, It sounds to me like the unit may need 400 hrs to do the trick,,running the player direct to amp like I do, the player is not running full signal, the tubes do not get as hot, so to radify this, I will be turning the amp off and play the Ayon at full volume-signal to get the tubes as hot as they can get to help the burn-in process,, I will take the time, as you said, to get to know the player, then change out the stock tubes,, let me know what year of the 6h30p-Dr tubes you have?,, Thankyou, always a joy to talk to you!, cheers!