Tube sites/books, recommendations please

After spending my audio life as a member of the solid state party, I am dipping my toe into the dark and mysterious world of tubes. I am purchasing a tube pre-amp in the next couple of weeks and am looking forward to doing some tube rolling. I am looking for any advice regarding either web sites or books that will help me get a basic education on tubes to get me started. Thanks so much in advance for any help offered...
You could check out Vacuum Tube Valley. I believe they've been out of print since 2004 or so, but has the back issues for sale. It's a nice resource. Most of the books that I know/have are for amplifier design.
Hi Lensteve

One place to get great info about the different kinds of tubes is Brent Jessee Recording. The format of the site can take some getting used too but there is a lot of good information regarding various tubes.
Also a good read that many follow is FAQ's at Audio Asylum.."Joe's Tube Lore"...More than likely you will be using one of the tubes eveluated..
I personally can relate to his findings on 12ax7,5751 and 12au7 tubes......