Tube sites/books, recommendations please

After spending my audio life as a member of the solid state party, I am dipping my toe into the dark and mysterious world of tubes. I am purchasing a tube pre-amp in the next couple of weeks and am looking forward to doing some tube rolling. I am looking for any advice regarding either web sites or books that will help me get a basic education on tubes to get me started. Thanks so much in advance for any help offered...
You can probably get plenty of juice from a ~35 wpc tube amp. I still suggest getting used to the MC2255 and find some nearby audiophiles to let you check out other pre's in the meantime. How do you like the Triton Two's? I auditioned them a while back and was underwhelmed, but my dealer didn't take much time setting them up and I'd just finished listening to Magnepan 3.7's. I kinda think the setup and quick switch didn't do them justice.
I couldn't be happier with the Triton Twos. I've had them for over 6 months now and they still bring a huge smile to my face. It took me a little while to really dial in their positioning and the volume level of the dsp that controls the bass, but the soundstage is breathtaking and the detail is phenominal. The Maggie 1.7's was one of the many speakers I auditioned and it wasn't close for my ear. The 3.7's weren't in my tax
I have to agree with Pdreher and Trelja. The tube power amplifier will have far more impact than a tube preamp in regards to obtaining the'tube' experience.