Power standby effects on amp's aging and sound

I am sure this has been debated before but I can't find the specific threads. If anyone knows, please just redirect me.
My solid state amp and digital source manuals recommend to always leave the power on standby mode, not disconecting the unit completely. Apart from the electrical bill, (I live in Spain and energy is not cheap here, believe me!) Isn't this prematurerly aging caps, filters and such? Is there really a benefit on leaving them always on? I understand the need of warming up for tube equipment, but solid state and digital?
How much lightning do you get where you live? I live in the lightning capital of the nothern hemisphere (Florida) so I turn off and unplug my system quite often, and I've only gone thru one set of tubes in nearly 3 years. If you can leave your system in standby great, but I wouldn't leave it on unattended tube or ss. I wish I could leave my system on 24/7 best of luck.
I lived in Tampa (USF) and NMiami years ago. I remember FPL which we called Florida Flicker and Flash. And yes, lightning is killer.

IF I lived there today, I'd have a whole-house surge protector installed. They are very good and fast and Not MOV based. So, they don't wear out.
Backing up such a device with a standard surge protector should be bulletproof. Than you've got cable and telephone to worry about. Another problem.