mcintosh c39

Looking to replace my preamp,I have been using a vintage hk 402 as my pre,its hooked up to a anthem a2 power amp 225 watts per ,thorough a pair of von schweikert vr3s.Would like opinions on mcintosh c39,have heard good things about this piece, but have not had the oppotunity to audition myself.Any advise or opinions would be great thanks Maxwell
The 39 is not fully balanced.

Also, IIRC, the first production 39/130 had xlr outs but later ones replace those with a 6 rca outs to be used with their MAC-3 decoder. It was in that transitioning time between Pro Logic and 5.1.
I'm looking at one of these that must be the earlier unit as I only see the 2 balanced xlr outputs and the DIN style connector. That would mean that I could used balanced out for stereo but I would be limited to using a 5 or six channel amp that has the same DIN connector. (ex. MC7106)

Does anyone know of any other possible amp choices for HT set-up?