McCormack vs. BAT

Hello, I am considering a new amp, a McCormack DNA-250 or a BAT-vk 250, can anyone compare the two or offer a better option? Thank you.
Thank you for the responses, what I mean is that I want more refinement in mid and bass with them having some more umphf. There has to be a reason, that some amps cost 20K, it must be for refinement and power or refinement WITH power. That is what I am striving for. I fear the integrated setup because I am afraid it will lack power, but I am open to suggestions, can you suggest a specific model? Thank you again.

If you check my last post, I recommend a couple of choices you might like. After reading your last post, however, I don't think you should buy anything at this point'; even the stuff I recommend. It's clear that you want some type of change in your system. It's also clear that you are very unsure on how to proceed. The only real reference you have at this point is your current amp. I see you trying to get as much info from other sources and then make the best educated guess you can as far as new equipment. The problem is that everyone has a different opinion as to what sounds good; as do you. I can pretty much guarantee that if you continue down your current path you will not end up with something you like. The only thing that makes sense for you at this point is to gain more experience. You MUST listen to some other equipment. If you have a good local dealer, bring your parasound in and put it next to something else so that you can form an opinion that is based on something real. If you have friends with good equipment, do the same thing. In the end, you should be able to answer most, if not all, the questions you have yourself. Its just my opinion, but until you feel comfortable using your own judgement, you should just hold off on buying anything.
You have described my situation very accurately. Two problems, my friends are all cheap bastards and no one I know has ANY decent equipment whatsoever. The second is that , having 4 children, am trying to get as much stuff "on the cheap" as possible. The only things I would not consider buying used are a turntable and cartridge. So I don't want to go to a dealer, "use" him, then go and purchase a used product. I know what you mean-of course it is best to hear everything with your own ears and make your own decision. Unfortunately, my situation will not allow me the luxury of a full demo. I have received much misinformation from here and other sources, but for the most part, the information has been accurate and useful. So, you are correct in your assessment, but I am still willing to take a chance in order to reap some significant savings. Thank you for your advice.