Luxman vs. Accuphase

I am considering purchasing a Luxman or Accuphase Solid State Integrated amp. Does anyone have experiences with both solid state integrateds? Basic differences sonically? Thanks!
Side step a little:

Is Luxman available for purchase in the United States? I owned an R-106 and a R-115 receiver and they were absolutely the best sounding electronics I have ever owned for 2 channel music listening; much better than separates I have auditioned.
Yes, Luxman products are for sale in the US. The distributor for Luxman is On Higher Note

Their Mailing Address:

On a Higher Note, LLC
P.O. Box 698
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92693

phone 1-949-488-3004
Routeman21: Have you made a decision on purchasing a Luxman or Accuphase integrated amp? Are you looking at Class A or Class A/B integrated amps? What models are you considering?

I contacted my local Accuphase retailer and he ONLY carries Accuphase Class A amps and does not carry the E360 or the E-250 (these are still expensive for me). The Accuphase Class A amps are $15,000+ and that is over my budget. The local Luxman retailer suggested I come in for a demo of the Luxman L-550ax using my Sonus Faber Auditor M speakers and I plan to this Friday. I am not convinced I want to sell my Ayre AX-7e amp but it should be interesting to listen to the Luxman unit. Since I need two balanced inputs, I will need to consider the Luxman L-590ax (or L-590a II) since it has two balanced inputs. They had a pre-owned Luxman L-590a II but it sold before I could get there. If I made a change, most likely, I would buy a pre-owned model at a lower price.

I am on the fence and cannot decide if the Luxman Class A amps would be a huge improvement over my Ayre amp. I want to audition an Accuphase so I need to look for another Accuphase retailer. Hopefully, the Luxman demo on Friday will help me decide.
Hgeifman: I decided on a Modwright KWI-200 integrated amp for $5000.00 brand new. I paired it with an Ayre C-5XEmp which is used with low mileage. The Modwright has a little over 100 hours on it so my true evaluation remains to be heard. So far I'm very impressed. I've never heard a Luxman or Accuphase A or A/B amp so I cannot compare to the Modwright.
I have the top of the range integrated Luxman 509u, class AB, 120W (but they seem much more) and I'm very happy, I think it will be my last amp.

Luxman class AB integrated are more neutral, dynamic, with great driving capabilities, they have a great control of the woofers and a very deep bass.

Maybe Accuphase class AB int.amps are more "musical", but they cannot give what I wrote above.

My 509u can easily drive the B&W 803/802D, I don't think Accuphase integrated can do the same.

I heard the new class A Luxman 590AX (it replaces the 590AII), 30W but still able to drive the 802D (Luxman demoed both 590AX and 509u with that speakers @ Tokyo International Audio Show), it gives less dynamics and control, but a lot more warmth than the 509u.

The 590AX (read the Audiodrom review) can be compared with the more expensive Accuphase E560.

All Luxman integrated have a good phono section (MM/MC) the Accuphase don't have.