To upgrade from simaudio 3.3i to 600i or not?

Currently own the solid state simaudio moon 3.3i integrated amp for less than a year and now considering utilizing simaudio's upgrade program by purchasing the simaudio 600i. Why am I considering it? Just purchased a pair of Sonus faber Cremona Ms. I like the diversity the 3.3i has with the added options of the dac and phono, which I use. Just wonder paying double for the 600 is worth it at out of pocket price of 4500. This does not count if I choose to buy a separate Dac to replace the one that I am using with the 3.3i
Thank you for the suggestion. Will look into it. Sounds like I will upgrade with cables first and perhaps later on check into other toys such as a JL Audio Sub. These Cremonas just seem not to punch out the base when playing Rock like I wish. You would think such an expensive amp and speakers would have a fuller range. We will see.
Nice speakers. And so you know, if you try the DFPC Signatures, you're likely to notice improved articulation in the base, among other things. Do let us know how things go, whatever you happen to choose.
There was definitely a tube presence going to the Allnic from the Moon solid state phonostage but I am finding that a good tube design is not compromising the positive features I find with solid state-it just seems to add to it with a greater body, air etc. I just received my replacement magnetic bearing for my Clearaudio turntable and am suppose to have it installed today so I am really anxious to hear the Allnic tube phono feeding my Allic tube pre (picked up a used model about a month ago for agreat price). Right now I have been running everything through my Edge sig 1.1 s.e pre and the difference that a tube brings to the pre is greater body, air and I am also noticing an improvement in bass control which I was a little suprised at. I am loving the mix of solid state amp with tubed from end gear. Use to own a Bryston 14bsst and Audionote tube pre and had the same great experience. I have not heard the Audience brand but it is featured in the audio press and seems to garner very good reviews. I have been following AudiogoN looking for good used Nordaost Valhalla and have seen a lot of very well priced Nordost product available (Frey, Heimdell or Tyr if you can swing it would be an excellent choice). Also once you make a good cable purchase it can stay with you an move from system or gear to gear. It has taken me many years working on my Valhalla choice. Picked up a Nordost Valhalla power cable last week for a good price which will go on the Allnic phonostage. Can't wait to hear it.
Let me know how it sounds. Which clearaudio tt you got. I considered purchasing one since they both work with 110v and 220v. Ill be back in the states in 9 months so i will stick with this project debut 220v for the time being. I have a brand new project classic sitting in a box. Ill purchase a new cartridge when i return home. Thought about sticking with the same brand phonostage. I like my system uniformed, but if I knew if a tubed phonostage would make a difference solid state integrated amp than i would look for one. Ill be in the states in a couple weeks and ill do some researching while there. Thanks for your input. Im still new and have not heard many systems.
I have owned the Simaudio i7 and have upgraded to the point where I now have a P-8 and W-8. I still often crank up the volume to the low 50's. Volume didn't change as I upgraded to the high end Sim separates but the quality of sound did. Still, we're talking serious deminishing returns moving from the i7 to the P-8 and W-8 separates. The i7 was fantastic and I expect the 600i is even better!
