Suggestions for a tube integrated under $3000

Pairing with Reference 3A Veena

Considering Rogue Cronus magnum and Primaluna Dialogue 2
I'll second the Cary Sli-80 recommendation.

I had a Rogue Cronus - not the Magnum - and it is a great amp. It has a lot of fans and you can expect great service from Rogue. I had a Cary AES-25 amp at the same time and even though it was a little underpowered for my speakers compared to the Cronus I preferred the triode sweetness and musicality of the AES-25.

That experience led me to buy an Sli-80 and I couldn't be happier with it. I wouldn't try to talk you out of the Cronus but the Cary is worth a listen in comparison. No experience with the Primaluna.
The Rouge Tempest III is $2995.00 new and a lot better than the Cronus,IMHO.
I have heard the Cary SLi-80 on Reference 3A De Capo i's, and they were a very good match, but I preferred the Ayon Spirit II integrated runnning in the Triode mode...Very open, detailed and energetic, with lots of texture and 3-D soundstage.