Suggestions for a tube integrated under $3000

Pairing with Reference 3A Veena

Considering Rogue Cronus magnum and Primaluna Dialogue 2
I have heard the Cary SLi-80 on Reference 3A De Capo i's, and they were a very good match, but I preferred the Ayon Spirit II integrated runnning in the Triode mode...Very open, detailed and energetic, with lots of texture and 3-D soundstage.
You can easily get an Ayon Spirit 2 used for that price... and if you bargain you can get an Ayon Spirit 3 new for very near that price.

The Ayon is a wonderful integrated
And put a pair of 5ar4's in place of the 5u4's at the rectifier position and this amp really opens up (more transparent with improved bass).

Some good recommendations already. Have you thought about something like the MastersounD KT88 or EL34 amps?