Integrated or Amp/Preamp combo for Magnepan 1.7

Hi All - currently using a W4S 250W/channel integrated amp with fairly new Magnepan 1.7s and thinking I can do better. The sound is a bit bright and I'm wondering if a different integrated or amp/preamp combo would help. I've searched the forums and haven't found a lot of specifics. I'm considering, thanks to a fellow Agoner, something like an older Audio Research Pre or CJ pre with a solid state amp (Pass or others). I would prefer an integrated amp, but separates may be the way to go. Hegel, SimAudio or tube integrated are under consideration. I have a small square room ( roughly 11 x 11 ) and I mostly listen to classical, jazz and classic rock. Budget would be around $3000. Thanks for any suggestions.
Go find yourself the PASS 150 intergrated or Musical Fidelity A5.5 both have enough power and sound very nuetral
I had the Musical Fidelity A5 Integrated amp and didn't like it. I now have the Prima Luna Prologue 3 pre and a pair of Bel Canto REF 500M amps, my MMG's are sounding much better to my ears.
If it were me, I would consider a used Accuphase or Mcintosh integrated. These two will sound very different; which one sounds better will be up to your ears. I'm not a Mac guy, but when I have heard Mac integrated models w/ autoformers and Maggies I thought that it was an excellent combination, IMO.

The Pass unit mentioned above would also be a great choice.