Is the Classe Cap-101 enough for Totem Arros?

I'm looking to setup a small simple 2-channel system in my living room. I live in a mid-rise condo so I dont crank to much and dont have tons of space to fill. I am looking for a decent small integrated receiver with a remote and the Classe Cap-101 seemed like the first. The upgrade would be the Cap-151 or something else entirly. I will primarily use the system for acoustic/folk/rock some Jazz/Instrumental/blues but also this will be connected to my TV for home entertainment in this main room also. I love the Arro's so I just want them to be the centerpiece of the livingroom in my condo. Need a clean looking integrated amp to pair with them.
I owned the CAP-151 a few years ago. It was one of those pieces that I wasn't sorry I sold. It was ok but I can sum my impression up with one word, meh. Not a word but it gets the point across.
In the used market there are a lot better IMO.
Thanks, I'm actually looking at selling my panorama sound bar andmadding some funds to get a nice small 2.0 system since I listen to music 90% there and watch tv 5% and movies 5%.

The sound bar is ok but I miss a 2.0 system after selling the powered reference monitors in my office so I want a nice small 2.0 system in the center of my living room.

The Arros are my favorite speakers - I listen to a lot of acoustic guitar based music and the sound like butter to my ears.

I have a decent expendable income at the moment but might have a kid in a year or two so I figure this is my last chance to get a decent 2.0 system again before parking my hifi spending for a little while.

My dream integrated would me a McIntosh MA6300. I also have owned musical fidelity stuff that sounded good enough. I don't want to do tubes in this system to keep the Maintnance down. Just a decent bood looking stereo receiver. Ideally something in the $500-$1000 range to power the totems.
I owned the Arros for a few years and am confident that the Classe would provide sufficient power. While I've never heard the Classe, 100 watts should be good for your stated needs. In my experience the Arros sounded better with tubes than solid state, so perhaps you could look into a Unison Unico or Vincent Audio integrated as "clean looking" solid state/tube hybrid options (as for solid state, I've heard that Plinius and Simaudio integrateds both work well with Arros). I really liked the the sound of EL34s with the Arros, so consider a Jolida 302RC, Rogue Cronus, or VTL IT-85 as well.