Is the Classe Cap-101 enough for Totem Arros?

I'm looking to setup a small simple 2-channel system in my living room. I live in a mid-rise condo so I dont crank to much and dont have tons of space to fill. I am looking for a decent small integrated receiver with a remote and the Classe Cap-101 seemed like the first. The upgrade would be the Cap-151 or something else entirly. I will primarily use the system for acoustic/folk/rock some Jazz/Instrumental/blues but also this will be connected to my TV for home entertainment in this main room also. I love the Arro's so I just want them to be the centerpiece of the livingroom in my condo. Need a clean looking integrated amp to pair with them.
I second Ethanh's notion that tubes sound best with the Arro's. For the price, i have been happiest with the Jolida 302b. It's a great match. I'm sure the Rogue also sounds wonderful with the Arro's, but I haven't heard the combination together.

the Naim Nait 5i-2 matches well with the Arros, especially with the music you list.
I had a CAP-101 once. I'd call it underwhelming. You would do much better with a Plinius 8200, or others...
A 3rd for tubes. PERFECT for your music tastes and low-level apartment listening.
Thanks folks, the Naim Nait 5i-2 is on my radar now. I used to have a system with the Jolida 302b and Arro's in my office but I really am gonna have a rough time with an exposed tube amp in the living room. Its all hot/glowing/not the safest looking thing if/when people/friends with kids come over (which all our friends are having kids).

I know its silly but wife acceptance is a concern in the living room and if the wife see's vacuum tubes she just thinks absurdity. I had Totem sttaf's previously in a Den system (before "upgrading" to the Arros which I preferred) and used it with a Musical Fidelity X-150 which was decent.

I dont really know that I have a preference for or against tubes but I just feel I can get more for my money and something more appropriate for the living room with ~ $1000 integrated. Not sure if a Musical Fidelity (a3.5 or such) with higher wattage would be better than the Nait or some of the others. Peopler really seem to dig the Nait-Arro combo and also the Unison Unico-Arro combo so these are high on my radar.