Is the Classe Cap-101 enough for Totem Arros?

I'm looking to setup a small simple 2-channel system in my living room. I live in a mid-rise condo so I dont crank to much and dont have tons of space to fill. I am looking for a decent small integrated receiver with a remote and the Classe Cap-101 seemed like the first. The upgrade would be the Cap-151 or something else entirly. I will primarily use the system for acoustic/folk/rock some Jazz/Instrumental/blues but also this will be connected to my TV for home entertainment in this main room also. I love the Arro's so I just want them to be the centerpiece of the livingroom in my condo. Need a clean looking integrated amp to pair with them.
A 3rd for tubes. PERFECT for your music tastes and low-level apartment listening.
Thanks folks, the Naim Nait 5i-2 is on my radar now. I used to have a system with the Jolida 302b and Arro's in my office but I really am gonna have a rough time with an exposed tube amp in the living room. Its all hot/glowing/not the safest looking thing if/when people/friends with kids come over (which all our friends are having kids).

I know its silly but wife acceptance is a concern in the living room and if the wife see's vacuum tubes she just thinks absurdity. I had Totem sttaf's previously in a Den system (before "upgrading" to the Arros which I preferred) and used it with a Musical Fidelity X-150 which was decent.

I dont really know that I have a preference for or against tubes but I just feel I can get more for my money and something more appropriate for the living room with ~ $1000 integrated. Not sure if a Musical Fidelity (a3.5 or such) with higher wattage would be better than the Nait or some of the others. Peopler really seem to dig the Nait-Arro combo and also the Unison Unico-Arro combo so these are high on my radar.
".... had a CAP-101 once. I'd call it underwhelming. You would do much better with a Plinius 8200, or others
Peter_nailed it ...../!

I've had ARROs and FORESTS. Sold them both off in the last 18 months.
All TOTEMS crave hi-current and watts...they are very power hungry in order to perform their best. They only started to perform their best after I bi-amped them.

Take a look at what TOTEM uses to showcase their speakers at the expos: inter alia high-powered AYRE, PLINIUS and SIM AUDIO ...lotsa grunt.
I've heard that the Plinius "100" series is far behind the "200" series. An owner of both told me he would rather have the 8200 than the 9100. I don't know what goes best with Totem.