Bass amp for a tri-amped system?

I have a speaker-required active crossover which feeds the mid/highs to 2, fet input/tube output 200 watt mono amps and the low frequencies to a Belles 350 stereo amp. I'm interested in tightening up the bass a bit and wondering if there is an older amp out there that might replace the Belles. I know the Krells have always had good grip on the bass, but wondering if there is anything else out there. Should I be thinking of any issues? Compatibility?
Usually you will get a more coherent sound by using tha same amps top to bottom.
I instinctively agree with your comment. However, I've tried that configuration with my hybrid amps configured as stereo. what I found is I didn't have quite the dynamic resolution and power of low frequencies I get from my current set-up. My mono amps and speakers are manufactured by the company and compliment each other very nicely with the exception of the bass which the manufacturer suggested this set-up. The speakers have 2, 15" woofers in each speaker and require that additional power. The integration of the tri-amped set-up has been pretty seamless using the active crossover.
I am a stickler for coherent sound. So, I would say the same amplifiers should be used throughout the entire system. I am not sure what you mean by "dynamic resolution", but if you are not happy with the sound while using the same amplifiers maybe you should look elsewhere for the problem. It could be something as simple as cables.