Which amp for B&W 802 Matrix series 3

I am primarily playing vinyl on my system and sometimes CD's, looking to upgrade my TT and get into an MC cartridge. I am currently driving my system with a pair of NAD 2200's and an ARC SP-4 pre-amp. I was considering a pair of ARC M100's as my first tube set, have not found any opinions on how this might mix with the B&W's. Is it a mistake not sticking with solid state? I have considered Classe solid state as well, but the vinyl bug has bit me.
I have made several mods to my LP12; email me if you would like a description. Not a sales pitch; I bought them all retail and have no connection with any of them; just did a lot of research and willing to share it. Linn's upgrades are $$$ but there are cheaper options.Get the Tube Box SE. stanleywallen@yahoo.com.
Mac + B&W = HEAVEN

Using a vintage 200w/ch. Mcintosh MC2205 with my B&W Matrix 802s3. Wow never thought it could be so good. Beat 90% of the sound at AXPONA audio show. ARC LS-7 preamp
by Poloman
Poloman- What source do you use most? I'm almost completely vinyl for any serious listening. I have been buying a lot of new audiophile pressings. I have continued to research, considered used ARC amps... I don't know, fear of making the wrong decision is the only thing stopping me. The price on the MC2205 is more reasonable than most of what I have been looking at so I guess if I don't like it, I should be able to sell for what I paid.