Preamp Deal of the Century

If anyone is looking for a true "World Class" preamp at a very fair price..heed my advice. I just recieved a Supratek Syrah preamp that was hand built by Mick Maloney in Western Australia, and it is absolutely beautiful! This preamp is the best deal you will ever find. I would put it up against any preamp out there for both looks and sound. Price? $2500 for the Syrah (includes Killer Phono stage). Not into phono? Try the Chardonney line stage for $2100. Don't get me wrong, I am not associated with this company. I am just a very happy owner! This preamp is VERY dynamic, yet liquid. It conveys the sound of music better than any other preamp that I have ever heard! You can check out the Supratek website at www.
Got my Sauvignon Monday.

Stone stock and brand-new, I'd say it was "30%" or so better than the EE MiniMax it replaced, with main benefits being more air and wider soundstage (this says a hell of a lot for the MM).

Going to a Mullard 5AR4 and Sovtek KT66 regs took it up a level right away!

I have two sets of NOS 6SN7s - one being a $300 set of Popes from Upscale Audio - to try after I let the EH show what they can do for 100 hours or so.

Don't really need to add anything else - build quality is astounding (BIGGER than it looks in pics) and it sure is gorgeous (stainless/sheoak).

This is one piece of gear I think I'll never sell.
Has anyone ever hear a hum emanating from the power supply after extended play time. Sounds like a transformer hum. Not a ground fault problem...nothing from the speakers, just from power supply.

I was wondering if the SRA products you are using with your gear were custom-made (as all SRA products are) for that particular component? I ask because Kevin usually recommends against using aftermarket feet or other isolation type balls under the gear bewteen his product since it may screw up the customed designed isolation properties of his unit.

I have both his Ohio Class bases and his CRAZ Rack and I screwed around using other feet for sh#@ts and giggles and it never helped.

Hi Frank,
Good to hear from you.
I have had Kevin make up 4 SRA stands specific pieces in my system (even one under my Teres TT). I bought his standard stands and none were Ohio Class.
Kevin told me specifically that Rollerblocks and other devices were not necessary and most like would detract from the performance of his stands. He told me of several reviewers and other customers who had tried using other products in conjunction with the SRA stands and how they did not help, but actually lessened the performance of his stands.
Kevin was great to work with and has a great product line that I recommend whole-heartedly. In my system the Rollerblocks have always enhance the sound whether it be with or without Kevin’s stands.
I would recommend to anyone that they pick a used pair of Rollerblocks (with Tungsten Carbide balls) and try them under each piece of equipment and see what they get. Worse case scenario would be that you turn around and sell them for more or less what you paid, but I am guessing that they will stay with your system and you will buy more sets.
I have tried a bunch of different “feet” and interfaces and none came close to Rollerblocks. I have yet to have a friend try them without them going out and buying more sets.
I will say that I have never tried Rollerblocks under any Ohio Class stands, but I look forward to hearing your results should you decided to try the Rollerblocks.
I hope that helps.
Thanks Larry. I'm glad you are getting good results with your combination. In my case, I know this may be sacrilege, but I am completely happy with my sound right now (I know, I know, like our Michigan weather, if I wait 10 minutes that can change) so if it ain't broke . . . .

I have heard good things about the Roller Balls but I bought Kevin's CRAZ Rack so I wouldn't have to deal with pucks and balls etc., and I am lucky enough that I haven't had to. I tried putting a few different things under components on the CRAZ Rack and it always (except in one weird case) made things worse. One time, I had a short in my reference IC between my amp and preamp so I was forced to put in a bright sounding IC I had on hand while it was being repaired. To calm that brightness down I put some Harmonix footers under my Reimyo CDP and it produced the intended effect (toned down the brightness) while my normal IC was out. Then again, this was the rack not an SRA custom made base.

With my Ohio Class bases, nothing has ever helped between the component and the base so I've left well enough alone. I guess we all love to tinker but I have now learned my lesson on that front. The way Kevin explained it to me was that something like a roller ball would introduce different degrees of movement antithetical to the objective of the SRA base. In your case, maybe the combination is producing something or acting like a tone control like my Harmonix footer that you like. Hey, if you like it, that's all that matters.

Take care and enjoy that nice TT!!!!