McIntosh-Keep the Classics or Sell for Newer Gear?

I'm intersted in your opinions. I've got some great classic McIntosh gear - MC2300 power amp, C32 preamp as well as great MR7083 tuner. All in good shape cometically and functionally. All the gear is single Dad...and now I'm the proud owner. I'm really happy with the performance I'm getting. Has given new life to my music collection. But am I missing out on an opportunity? Question for any die-hard McIntosh fans...should I hold on to the gear and just be thankful I can call myself a McIntosh owner? Or would I be better off selling and use the money towards a more modern...but affordable integrated solution from McIntosh (ex. MA6600 or MA6300)? Any words of wisdom out there?
Hang on to it, but as far as the C32 is concerned, DO NOT ALLOW ANYONE TO EVEN OPEN THE COVER IF IT WORKS FINE.

Explanation: The C32 was McIntosh's first and only product to incorporate the then new Ribbon Cable technology, and the mfr of said cables was new and inexperienced: a ribbon cable (formally known in electronics as a FFC (flat flexible cable) is a flat ribbon of conductor laminated between two layers of plastic to form a wide paper thin cable with either pins or tinned conductors at either end).
GUARANTEED, the ribbon cables inside the C32 will be delaminating from heat and poor manufacture and once removed for service will split wide open like a ripe banana and be IMPOSSIBLE TO REINSTALL.

McIntosh NO LONGER CARRIES THESE proprietary cables nor are they available anywhere else(the new stuff is far finer/thinner and has more conductors, etc). I oughtta know: my first Mc was a C32 I bartered a computer repair for and spent over 400 hours hand making new cables for it so I could sell it on eBay. NEver again would I touch a C32.

McIntosh Service Authorized since 2005, so I speak with some background.
You make mention of the MA6600, absolutely love mine. With Mac gear you can't go wrong either way. But...having your Dad's gear is special. As it is working, buy some new music and add a new piece or two when funds permit and continue the legacy.

Happy listening.