What amp to tame Eggleston Works Esotar Tweeters?

My speakers are Eggleston Works Andra ll and Andra center. My rears and sides are also EW. My processor and amp are Lexicon MC12B and LX-7 (made by Crown). 99% theater use in a 7.1 system. Left speaker 25', center 17' and right is 10'. My room is fully treated.

The problem is the Eggleston Works speaker Esotar tweeter are very revealing and I am sure the Lexicon amp is not helping any either. My ears are very sensitive to high frequency sound such as edgy treble.

I may change out the LX-7 amp for an Ayre 7xe, Mcintosh or a Sanders ESL, Classe or Rogue Audio Medusa amp... to also help smooth/warm up the sound a bit. Feel free to comment on which amp I should go with or others not listed.

My speaker wire is: xlr JPS Aluminata and Super Conductor 3 with Aluminata power cords. My line conditioner is a Furman It-Ref 20 i.

Thanks Knghifi. How did the McIntosh sound with the Andra ll? I am thinking of getting an MC303 to power the front 3 speakers. Will this amp likely smooth out the sound but without losing too much detail? Thanks
After I replaced the Mac pre cheapo stock Chinese tubes with Tele, it sounded very good.

I'm not into HT so I would go for 2 high quality monos for the Andra IIs and a 3 or 5 channel amp for the other speakers.
Hmmmm, I have never heard anyone describe the Estor tweeters as being "edgy" or bright?? In my experience, they are the opposite from what you describe. Try a different amp. Good luck.
This sounds like it could be a room issue... any way to add some dampening to the room?

Otherwise, I would agree with Brf... The Estor tweeters are not known to be edgy, but rather a bit mellow.
I have Esotar tweeters in my speakers and agree with the other posters, they are not edgy. If you can find the right amplification I believe you will come to enjoy them a lot.