Any HiFi equipment sound similar to YBA sonics ?

may i humbly seek advices from experienced audiogon menbers whom knows of ANY hifi equipment (CDP, preamp/amp) that share similar characteristics to YBA ? perhaps 85% to 90+% closeness in airyness and its laidback uncompress open soundstage. any input would be deeply appreciated. i tried audition few brands but sadly none. Currently their YBA Passion & lower series do not really have sonic as impressive as former YBA Classic series. Thanks again.
just upgraded from ML Vantage to Spire. these are fast & revealing speakers. i have not heard any DACs before, but if any can sound similar to YBA classic, that would be best!
i'm using MIT cables, compared to that $4000 Siltech RCA interconnect, which is extremely good, i still prefer MIT. i had A/B them in a $50000 Spectral electronic & Avalon system, so i believe what i hear is their true sound. i suggest anyone whom love jazz using Naim system to give Siltech a try.
can you suggest any DAC that sound laidback & airy & smooth relax highs? BTW, is it extremely rare to find DACs with balance adjustments as compare to preamps? my budget is not high, maybe the farthest i go for DAC or Pre is 10-11k, still need to get YBA amp or Electrocompaniet amp though.
Philip, I have no experience with your particular speakers except some of the older model hybrids and the Summit. I would assume they're still difficult to drive speakers as are with the other ML models. I still have and kept my first generation CLS and remain as a reference. Tube components are great with them in most cases which you probably may have tried as well as some of the newer SS amps. I've heard Spectron amps and they sound great with panels too.

For DACs: Linn, Weiss, PS Audio, Berkeley, Ayre, DCS would most likely have most of the attributes you're looking for. Great extension across the band, airy(low noise-low distortion), live presence, not harsh or edgy sounding, flexible interfaces. Bring a couple of DACs home for actual comparison, one of them will surely match well with your system and to your preferences. Do keep us updated.

Vinw, thanks for your recommendations. guess you are knowledgeable with DACs. i would sure try some of the names you suggested, it will be my first venture with DACs. Just read somewhere that Audio Aero are almost 85% similar with Zanden, maybe that is also the kind of sound presentation i would be happy with as they are also more or less in line with YBA attributes.
would post as when i'm free to attend more auditions. thanks
Philip, sometimes older components specifically amps and perhaps preamps designed by the Masters in the past can hardly be equaled. But the dig'l playback nowadays are way ahead from the previous designs. Glad to know you are also trying the newer stuff that are recommended and discussed in some of the forums. Enjoy and have fun with your auditions!

hey, i just bought a simaudio 750D from my dealer. i requested him to ask Simaudio to change the digital RCA connector to BNC type. do anyone knows by any chances that Simaudio accept such request? thanks.
i had audition the 750 and felt it is smooth and has big soundstage. it is still not quite the same as YBA but acceptable, given i'm drawing reference from a YBA 3 box CD player and with money difference of a few grand though.