integrated for zu definition 3

I just got these new def3 speakers and currently have a viva 300p, but want something with a 845 tube but stll very musical and involving.

I know I may not be able to get into the 845 with my budget which, I think I have the viva sold for $2500,and I can add another $1000 so $3500 total.

I know these speakers have the capability of being keepers for life I just need the right amplification.

Phil,thanks for your wisdom,the viva is not something I can't live with for awhile if need be.

I really want the big glass so may have to wait a bit.I find a good integrated gets me close to separates and less cables and space taken up.

I am not unhappy with the viva 300p,it's just from what I've read a good 845 like master sound compact would be better suited for the def3 speakers.

Thanks again,scott
I would get a used Mastersound Due Venti and buy Siemens EL34s. Stunning sound for the money and will be around $22-2500.
I really have a stunning sound with the Viva 300 p

I might regret trying the 845 but from all that I can gather its a sonic match made for the Zu Definition 3's

So I will probably save a little more and get a good 845 based integrated or maybe seperates.

Hi Phil,
Thanks for clarifying the difference on the bass output from the Omen Defs to the definitions. I always assumed that the bass signal was independent of the main amp output, so you make a most excellent point.
I will still stand by the decware as it has the set magic with an abundance of very transparent and well defined bass. It mated very well with the Omen Defs and again, I would recommend that the OP call Sean at Zu and see his take on it, and if you are near me in the Bay Area I will drive it over one day as I would love to hear this combo, as I came very close to pulling the trigger on the Def mk iii's before I decided the better idea was to buy a house so that I can turn up the speakers as loudly as I want, rather than waiting daily for the neighbors to storm my apartment with large clubs!
Regardless, please keep us posted on your impressions......
If you are already getting stunning sound, then how is it going to get better? What is better than stunning?