integrated for zu definition 3

I just got these new def3 speakers and currently have a viva 300p, but want something with a 845 tube but stll very musical and involving.

I know I may not be able to get into the 845 with my budget which, I think I have the viva sold for $2500,and I can add another $1000 so $3500 total.

I know these speakers have the capability of being keepers for life I just need the right amplification.

It does help Morgan, thx very much! I need to find a Torii III to put against my Jota. That will be a highly interesting and entertaining project...
If you do some digging for a demo Melody AN211, you could find one within a couple hundred dollars of your budget. I almost pulled the trigger on one yesterday and would have if I still had Zu speakers, but the 16watt rating scared me away for my VR-33 speakers which seem to like power.
Hi Scott,
I just acquired a pair of the Def 3's myself. Just curious, how did they sound right
out of the box? Zu claims some 400 factory hours of break-in on the Nonotech
drivers. Did you find them getting better with more time on them?