Rumors about a new Ayre integrated amplifier?

Has anyone heard any rumors about a new integrated amplifier being introduced by ayre in the near future? specs?
I'll start one. I heard that Ayre is coming out with a new $10K integrated amp....and it's a tube unit!!!
I talked to a sales rep from ayre they are coming out with a new integrated amp that combines the 5 series amplifier and pre amplifier into one nice package
Jreerunn40,,, did he say if it was a tube amp? I'm thinking of upgrading my integrated amp at our lake house, now a Jadis unit, and love most of the Ayre products I've heard. I'm not much into tubes anymore but are second system was setup and voiced with a tube integrated so it's probably best to say with tubes. The Redrose Music speakers seem to adore tubes.
Thanks for putting the anti rumor mill trolls in there place.