Hypex Ncore NC400

Really enjoying these, wondering about other's experiences.

Also, has anyone heard bridged NC400s?

I unintentionally caught the Euro to Dollar at a favorable rate. I didn't get into casework so the whole project ran a little over $1300.

I wouldn't be surprised if some shielding casework and higher end power cables would improve the effort. My anxiousness to hear them and the subsequent improvement over my previous switching amplifiers led me to use the nCores assembled on a piece of Maple.

The sight of electronics screwed to a piece of wood has become quite the conversation piece especially when the Avalon Monitors get cranked up and there's little heat. A native Californian, I don't burn in the fireplace so if I ever smell wood my first glance will be out the window then at the nCores.

Thanks for setting me straight guys. I was under the incorrect impression that the NC products were an accommodation and of lesser quality than the UcD modules. That in itself tips the scales a tad bit in favor of building my own as opposed to buying a set that is based on the UcD modules.

I am also interested in placing mine in wood cabinets. It would be nice to have amplifiers that actually match my furniture.
A few months ago, a local audiophile borrowed my NC400 amplifiers and compared them to his very expensive state of the art Icepower based amplifiers.

When he returned the NC400 amps to me, he said it was no contest. He had already placed an order for his own NC400 modules.

I have kept my NC400 amps longer than any amplifier I have ever owned. If I named some of the amplifiers I've owned, borrowed, listened to -- most would agree that the list would represent some very credible, even elite manufacturers. Both tube and solid state.

Having said all that, let me also say that the NC400s are not out of place paired with my Coincident Statement Linestage. That's how good they are.
I still cannot believe how good my Hypex NCore NC400 bridged amplifiers sound.  I am hearing bass, imaging and many other musical details I did not heard before with the Luxman.  They are truly outstanding amplifiers.  Of course, the Bricasti M1 DAC and the lack of a pre-amplifier help with the sound quality.

I connected my new Hypex NCore NC400 Bridged mono block class D power amplifiers to my Bricasti M1 DAC direct (no pre-amp) and my system sounds terrific. The combination of the Bricasti M1 DAC & the Hypex NCore bridged power amplifiers mono blocks sound more natural, clearer, have more bass, a lack of noise, excellent dynamics and details. Another layer of sound is presented WITHOUT THE pre-amplifier in the system.  The Hypex NCore bridged mono block class D power amplifiers are highly recommended.  I also tested the Hypex NCore mono blocks and feel the bridged version (4 NCore 400 amps, 2 on each side) is well worth the extra money based on the improved sound quality I am hearing.

After conversations with Bricasti, Hypex & James (James Romeyn Music and Audio, LLC), we decided to remove the R141 (circuit) from my Hypex NCore NC400 bridged mono blocks, thus lowering gain by 14 dB, requiring 14 dB higher M1 volume setting for same playback level. Bricasti says the goal is to have the M1 CLOSE to 0db front panel attenuation. If you reduce the volume on the M1 DAC, you cause more bit reduction meaning you lose sound quality. When you connect the Bricasti M1 DAC to a power amplifier, you have to balance the M1 DAC to the power amplifier in order to achieve your M1 volume settings CLOSE to 0db. My volume listening range is in the -10 to -25db range depending on the source material.

I purchased the Hypex NCore Class D amps from James Romeyn Music and Audio, LLC (James). He was very helpful answering my many questions.


This is my first class D power amplifier and, based on my results, sounds terrific. Of course, everyone has a different opinion on this subject. You never know “how it really sounds”, until you listen in your room and system.

In summary, I am thrilled with how good my system sounds. I am hearing details, imaging and bass that I have not heard before.  I highly recommend the Hypex NCore 400 bridged mono block power amplifiers.  In addition, the elimination of the pre-amplifier, in my system, greatly improves the overall sound quality (for me).

Congrats! Another happy Hypex ncore user!

Curious as to how a bridged set of nc400's would compare to the nc500 out now...