Amp/Preamp combo for Wilson Sophia 3's

I've been thinking about upgrading my electronics (amp/preamp) from my current Ayre KX-5eMP and VX-5e. Been thinking of the Ayre KXR/MXR combination, but my dealer says there are better combinations for the money. I recently heard Wilson MAXX 3's w/Boulder electronics (2000 series I think) and was very impressed, so that's an option. Any others?
bo1972, if boulder is so lacking, what SS amps are suitable for your listening standards? (i found the pass XA series lacking control, though they did sound pretty good).
I would choose for the X series and not for the XA series. I will do personal a next upgrade to the X600.5 as well. I prefer drive and speed as well. The difference between Boulder and Pass labs is more than only the sound. The Pass Labs gives a different focus on the different instruments. You hear more easy the difference in the sound of all these instruments. With the boulder it is extremly well controlled, but you miss the different coulor of instruments. Sound realism is a very important part in the world of highend.
then we'll disagree. i've owned both xa's and boulder, and prefer the boulder considerably. i understand why you like the pass. i just don't think you've heard the boulder in optimal conditions; the pass can cover sins, the boulder does not, if that makes sense...the boulder also needs to be warm to sound best, whereas the XA series comes to life quickly.
Boulder is a brand which you find at many shows these days. But also in different settings. And yess you Always listen to all parts togheter including the acoustic room. I loved the control, but these sets never had a lot of emotion which I need to be touched. I owned the 30.5, 60.5 and 100.5 of the XA series. But in the setting I play now I prefer the X series.