the best 'tubey amp - warm,smooth,liquid' ?

i'm using the word 'tube' as the meaning of warm,smooth and liquid sound.
but i could't compare to some tube amps like mcintosh(mc275), cary(cad 805), arc(vs115) and conrad-johnson(premier) at one place and the same time.
some say mcintosh lean, cary weak and not bloom, arc not tubey and cj no clarity.
i need your experiences and advices.
actually i have a difficulty to match speaker systems with.
Audiofeil..your comment that you need to go to Canada to buy Psvane & Shuguang tubes from Grant Fidelity is completely false. Grant Fidelity ships from three locations and ships worldwide. If your in the States the tubes will ship from their warehouse in Las Vegas. They also ship from their other warehouses in Calgary and China.
Audiofeil..just received an email from Rachel at Grant Fidelity. All Psvane tube orders ship direct from their Hong Kong warehouse to the U.S., Canada and around the world with free Air Mail Shipping.
For those speakers and your goals, the bel canto ref1000m or 500m class d amps might work well. They are smooth and liquid sounding i would say though not inherently warm though results in that regard may vary depending on speaker and preamp used. I use an arc tube preamp with mine to very good effect in that regard.
Audiozen, please read my post more carefully.

I said you need NOT go to Canada.

Fact of the matter is, Trelja stocks Psvane and Shuguang tubes in the USA and ships from the USA.

You NEED NOT deal with Canada in any way, shape, or form.

Hope you now understand better.
Member Trelja is the premier vendor for Psvane tubes regarding price and service.

Don't put too much stock in what unreliable sources may say or write.