I thought an historical outline of the digital medium and its beginnings would be of interest to Gon members. Any additional info to add would be appreciated.
1. 1937. British scientist Alec Reeves files the first patent describing pulse-code modulation.
2. 1943. Bell Telephone Labs develops the first digital scrambled speech transmission system, SIGSALY.
3. 1957. Max Mathews of Bell Labs develops the process to
digitally record sound via computer.
4. 1967. The first digital audio magnetic tape recorder
was invented by Technical Research Labs of Japan's NHK
broadcasting network. A 12-bit 30 kHz stereo device using
a compander noise process to extend the dynamic range.
5. 1970. James Russell patents the first digital-to-optical recording and playback system, which would later lead to the compact disc.
6. 1972. Denon invents the first 8-track reel to reel digital recorder.
7. 1975. Thomas Stockham, through his company, Soundstream,
makes the first digital audio recordings from a digital audio recorder he designed, which became the first commercial recorder available to the pro industry.
8. 1978. Sound 80 Records of Minneapolis records "Flim and the BB's" directly to digital before pressing the vinyl LP.
9. 1979. The first digitally recorded vinyl record of popular music "Bop Til You Drop" by guitarist Ry Cooder.
10. 1980. Sony makes the first compact disc and takes the cut out perforations pattern from player piano paper music rolls from 100 years earlier and duplicates the pattern to the surface of the compact disc and the perforations from the player piano roll become pits on the disc for the laser to read.
11. 1980. Denon builds the worlds first commercial CD player for studio's.
12. 1980. Pioneer makes the worlds first commercial Laser movie disc and by 1986 produced laser movie disc players for the retail market.
13. 1982. Sony releases the CDP-101, the first CD player for the retail market in the Spring, followed by the Philips/Magnavox players in the Fall.
14. 1990. Digital radio begins in Canada using the L-band.
15. 1991. Digital audio tape is developed by Alesis called
ADAT, (Alesis Digital Audio Tape).
16. 1996. Sony develops the DVD and starts selling players in Japan which started selling in the USA in 1997. The minature laser disc, the DVD, was the death of the large laser disc which had 400 lines of horizontal resolution and the smaller DVD had 500 lines and superior audio.
17. 2000. In October, Sony develops the blu-ray disc prototype and continues to develop through April 2003 and releases blu-ray players in June 2006.
"10. 1980. Sony makes the first compact disc and takes the cut out perforations pattern from player piano paper music rolls from 100 years earlier and duplicates the pattern to the surface of the compact disc and the perforations from the player piano roll become pits on the disc for the laser to read."

I don't see how this would work. The pattern of perforations on the piano roll only captures performance information, not audio. You need 44,100 16 bit samples per channel for the CD. Paper piano roll data density not even close....

"12. 1980. Pioneer makes the worlds first commercial Laser movie disc and by 1986 produced laser movie disc players for the retail market."

Laserdiscs were an analog technology, both audio and video. As digital technology matured, ways were found to add digital soundtrack information to the laserdisc, but the video remained analog (composite actually).

Agree with Marakanetz about the importance of Fourier Analysis as the underpinnings of all audio. We should also add the Nyquist Sampling Theorem to the list.
Two items I neglected to mention regarding the development of SACD technology.
1. While working for Sony in California, digital engineer Andreas Koch designs and builds in
1997 the worlds first 8 channel DSD(SACD)recorder machine and also designed the worlds first SACD D/A converters that were used in the recorder machine.
2. In 1998, Sony digital engineer Dr. Yoshio Yamasaki invents the SACD disc which Sony introduced in 1999.
Bardeen, Brattain, and Shockley developed the first bipolar point-contact transistor in 1947 at Bell Labs.

The first silicon transistor was produced by Texas Instruments in 1954.

Without this, there would not have been an explosion of digital audio equipment.
Ghostrider45..thanks for the correction on the early laser disc. I was aware that the video was analog and your info indicates the audio as well, in which the audio became digital in '97 with the DVD. Regarding perforation patterns on the player piano music roll's, which I'll clarify further, had to do with the most logical approach Sony could take in the formation of the pits on the CD. The formed pit pattern on the CD taken from the piano roll's, was to arrange a pattern that would work best with a laser reading the pits. It had nothing to do with data whatsoever, just a space arrangement of pits that would be the easiest pattern for the laser to work with for best synchronization. Read about this in a Sony article back in the late nineties.
One point (though trivial) is the pits and lands in the CD or DVD do NOT represent ones and zeros.
The mathematical calculations which the pits and lands represent, and the complex formulas to make and interpret those variable pits and lands is very complex. And in a way, that CD spiral of basic data IS a combination of analog and digital in nature.
The fact of 'jitter' is one result of it's 'analog' like construction.
Just sayin'