Best wire to connect amplifier binding posts?

I would like to know what is the best wire to use to connect the outputs of an amplifier to its binding posts.

In particular I'd like to know what the recommendations are with regard to:

* Conductor material: copper, OCC copper, silver

* Conductor construction: solid core, stranded, Litz

* Conductor gauge

* Insulation material
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I love the sound of solid core copper and always use it in my amps and speakers. Simply sounds better to my ears. Less fuzz and better focus and imaging based on my experience. I build 3 runs of solid core 14-16 gauge teflon coated wire twisted together and like to shield vs not shield.

Makes great speaker cable and power cords also!
As a comparison, it is interesting to look at the wires within speakers. The very high end speakers can have exotic types of wire, but others usually have pretty ordinary looking wire. Of course the runs are pretty short, but it is interesting that people spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on exotic speaker wire that then feeds into very ordinary wire within the speaker. That said, my speaker cables cost 25% of the cost of my speakers :)
Dtc you are absolutely correct. Fancy wires are expensive just because they're exotic, good looking and certainly not because of engineering or cost of materials. Adding a dedicated oak box with some exotic company logo will make them even more fancy.
Silver plated copper in teflon or Cardas litz wire in teflon. Pvc and pe dont take the heat as well. Jallen