The Best Compliment You've Gotten On Your Rig?

My brother-in-law entered my home as jazz was playing on my system. After about three songs, the announcer came on and started to speak..and my brother-in-law looked at me with amazement.."that was the radio??!!

He could not believe he was listening to a radio station. It was my killer Sansui TU-X1 tuner doing its thing. Best compliment I could ever receive. My bro-in-law is not an audiophile.
Have had more people comment on the size of my cd collection which isn't really all that big. My system is very modest and sits in a spare bedroom so it doesn't see a lot of visitors.
One painful memory I recall is when my wife was showing a few of her friends around the house and she got to my "stereo room." They were actually giggling at the size of my speakers, a pair of Eminent Technology LFT-8As at the time. I felt like I was standing there naked. My wife remembers it differently. They were laughing at something entirely different and weren't even considering my speakers but I know the truth.
Best compliment was from my UPS delivery guy.

Once while waiting for me to sign for a box he saw my speakers, paused and then said,

"Wow, those speakers are huge, I'll bet they sound as good as Bose"

I didn't turn them on, wouldn't want a disappointed listener :-).
Almost no one really cares about listening to my system. A have a few audio buddies over from time to time, but besides that, it is pretty much a solitary pursuit. But that's OK.

However, just the other day I had a reviewer friend up from NYC come by to hear my new front end. He goes to 40-50 live shows a year and does a lot of listening. After about an hour of hearing my LPs he said something like, "All I want to do is listen to more music. I don't hear the system at all. It's very natural sounding and you know it as soon as you hear it." A man of few words, that's about all he said during the whole session.

An older woman heard me play "Silent Night" on the Proprius Cantata Domino LP and it immediately took her back to her childhood in East Germany. She sat there quietly weeping until the song was over. She was utterly transported. That was quite a moving and memorable experience.

Well, I'm going back to do some more listening by myself.
Most people see the tubes and say, "cool, look at those relics!", as they lean over to touch them. Discouraged quickly by my growl and Sicilian "evil eye". Nearly all are uninterested in listening to my system. And the handful I can get to sit still for a few minutes can't seem to still their mouths long enough to hear to what they are listening. But a few extremely rare comments have been made.

Best compliment? It is a tie.

Upon first listen to my first ever highish end system, playing Pavarotti, my wife and I just stared at each other, dumbfounded, mouthing, "Oh My God!"

Friend/Coworker who sings, records, and conducts a large choir in the Atlanta area stopped by to give a listen. We played material he recorded and said (not exactly, but to my best recollection), "That's it! Exactly how it was recorded! I've never heard it played back on any system which did not compress the complex vocal passages, until now."