The Best Compliment You've Gotten On Your Rig?

My brother-in-law entered my home as jazz was playing on my system. After about three songs, the announcer came on and started to speak..and my brother-in-law looked at me with amazement.."that was the radio??!!

He could not believe he was listening to a radio station. It was my killer Sansui TU-X1 tuner doing its thing. Best compliment I could ever receive. My bro-in-law is not an audiophile.
I had several comment like some of the guys here.
Are you still playing records?
Oh you can be a DJ...really upsetting one.
Oh i have Bose, i said wow!!!!
Oh your system has 2 speakers mine has 6, i said nice...
Oh you must spend all your money on best buy....i almust faint!
It was a pair of AZ crescendos with ayon triton.
I agree is a lonely hobby but you learn how to live with that
rather than listening to neg, ignorant remarks or people wanting to talk while listening to your favor piece.
All is not negat here
i have three friends that turned into high end audio after listening my ring all end up buying set up when i had decided to upgrade.
Ages 73,67,65 they are happy and never look back to average gear again.
Funny my friend Dave just moved to Chalston from The jersey shores the only thing he carry on his A8 was the plinius 9100 and nola boxer with the cayin 17A cdp, i was really impressed when he called me.
Regards to you all.
Whenever someone comes over for a quick listen and then ends up staying for several hours...and the conversation is about the music, instead of the gear. It's also cool when I've gotten some of my best gear and my wife keeps asking, "Who's that?" or "Did you do something new? It really sounds great tonight."
A neighbor stopped by to borrow something. I'd been listening to Jeff Buckley's "Grace," and as I went off to get what she was looking for, she sat down in my listening chair. When I returned, she asked, "Where is the sound coming from?"
When I told her it was coming from the two speakers -- a pair of Celestion SL-600s -- she said that they didn't seem to be making any noise at all. Instead, everything seemed somehow to be coming from the wall behind the speakers.
This girl, a college kid at the time, actually got up and walked around a bit to check things out.
"Pretty cool," she announced after a moment. "And the music is really good, too."
I had a friend come and listen to my Horn system. It is an Oris 150 with Lowther PM4A with AER cones a KCS basshorn system and DIY subs down to 20 Hz. A couple of weekends after being at my home he attended the Capital Audio Fest in Rockville, Md. He sent me an email telling me he listened to every system at the CAF and he told me that none of the systems there sounded as good as my Oris horn combo. That really made my day.
Had a guy over recently. His comment after
the first song we played was "Holy shit"
really cool