Need at least 900wpc in 4ohm

Suggestions for what can do the job? Thanks.
The Snell AIII was a good speaker in its day. It was about the only thing out there that competed with the Fulton Premiere systems. But that was 1984. Snell made a speaker call the B that I found preferable to the AIII- easier to drive and more detailed (still went to 22Hz).

Since the time of the B, there have been a lot of other speakers that have appeared that are easy contenders. If you want something on the scale of a speaker like that, with a reasonable price that is also easy to drive, check out the Audiokinesis Dreammaker, which got a Golden Ear award a few years back. I would take if over a set of AIIIs in a heartbeat- especially if you have a larger room- you need the efficiency.

The reason you need the efficiency is the simple fact that there are no particularly musical amplifiers that also have power in excess of 500 watts. Sure, there is lots of stuff that sounds like good HiFi, but if you want it to sound like real music, that amp does not exist in those power levels, tube or transistor. So you have to get the efficiency going. You might also consider that fact that if you really push a +500 watt amp into those Snells, you will toast them but before that they will be highly compressed.

Sorry to break it to you this way but there is no way to change the laws of physics. If you go with a smaller room you will have a lot more option with that speaker. Of course, if you only plan to play at lower volume levels maybe you will be OK. Personal preference *does* play a role in that regard.
I disagree with Atmasphere's assertion that there are no particularly musical amplifiers that provide in excess of 500 Watts into a given speaker.
Try a pair of Cary 500 MB; 1,000 watts into 4 ohms. They will drive just about anything and not break a sweat... Closest thing to a high powered tube amp that I have heard... They sound great, smooth, and very dynamic. They are excellent mono-blocks for tough load speakers or speakers that demand lots of current (like Maggies). Can pick up a used set for around $4k.
I disagree with Atmasphere's assertion that there are no particularly musical amplifiers that provide in excess of 500 Watts into a given speaker.

Me too. I would also like to see the complete list of >500wpc he has actually heard and compare it to the complete list of all 500wpc amplifiers ever made. And why 500wpc is a magic number where everything over that is not musical. Just silly.
What's silly is a speaker which needs >500wpc. Steve Deckert has a slogan, "if the first watt sucks, why continue?"