KR Audio VA340 MKII vs Melody AN 845

Has anyone had the chance to listen to either of these integrated amps? Any opinions one way or another?
This is my first post so pardon the amateur approach. I heard the Melody gear at RMAF 2012 (WOW) and purchased the AN845 from Hugh (Angel City Audio) at the show. The 845 replaced a Jolida 1000 CRC and it's driving a set of Von Schweikert VR-35s. The base is deep, tight and tuneful. The highs are beautifully extended, and the mids have a sweet liquidity to them. The 845 has less than 100 hours, so it's only going to improve. It'll be interesting to see where this unit will settle.
Sorry it took so long to respond. The AN-845 just keeps getting better. The sound is articulate. It is very revealing. Changes I've made upstream are instantly audible. I'm extremely happy with the piece.
To date, there are only 9 AN845 sold in The US so feedbacks here are all there is.