Good integrated match for B&W CDM 1 NT

Looking for a short list of integrated amps that match well with my CDM 1NT's. I am using an Onkyo TX-NR807 I inherited, great specs, but listening fatigue. I appreciate any help that is out there, I believe that "bright" is the correct term for my displeasure. Am I looking in the wrong direction? Is there a better option? Using a Technics DVD-A10 as the source, monster interconnects, 16 gauge speaker wire. Limited budget!

Thanks for your input.
Hi Tntate.I took a look at your receiver(online) & it got a couple of decent reviews.Also your source got a couple of rave reviews so it is likely your brightness problems are a due to poor cabling.I like solid core all copper cables,but don't go crazy.Also the tube buffer WOULD work with your setup(between source & receiver)& would add not only a nice touch of warmth but also would give you a real sense of soundstage width & depth.Good luck...
Thanks Freediver. How important are cables, lost of controversy in that area throughout the forums. Also, are interconnects critical? If so, how can you be certain you start with the right stuff? I know Monster is not high end, but is it at least decent? Any recommended tube buffer's, how does the set up work.

As to my original post, is changing to an integrated amp going to help me? My short list would be a used Creek 5250se, naim nait 3 or 5, exposure 2010s or 2010s2 (I don't know the difference), or Musical Fidelity something or other.

I don't want to spend in the wrong area. If the tube buffer is a short term fix then I would rather save and invest more in the amp area. If it is something that is a real solution then I will invest more time looking into the tube buffer.

Thanks, this is kinda fun!
How is your room? Put a thick rug in front of the speakers and consider some thick curtains if there are windows on the wall. Try speaker positioning to alleviate some of the brightness by moving them in small increments. The CDM 1NTs need some space so it's best if they have about 2-3 feet from the wall.

You might want to consider a turntable if all else fails.
Hi again.My position on cables comes down more to stranded vs.solid core.I truly believe I can hear a difference between the 2 types,especially in the midrange & highs,which seem warmer & more natural(to MY ears).However I have experimented with EXPENSIVE cables & entry level cables & didn't really hear a difference between them(probably not high end enough system).
As for a tube buffer,the only one I have personal experience with is the Yaqin "CD-1"which uses a single 6922 Dual Triode tube.I rolled in a NOS(New Old Stock)Mullard 6922 & was amazed at the difference it made on a surround receiver based system.Do a search here on Audiogon & read ALL the positive feedback TB's have gotten.
As for getting an I/A,I would start with cables,see what type of difference that makes.If you still want more warmth you'll have to make a decision to make but a Tube Buffer is a lot cheaper an investment than a new integrated amp & if you end up not liking what you hear can be resold with only a small loss of investment.
The only SS I/A's I have ears on experience with are Electrocompaniet-SimAudio-Plinius-Naim-Creek(4040)& Rega.Electrocompaniet & SimAudio were my favorites.Good luck...