Best tube integrated? anyone know?

I was looking for a nice tube integrated with a budget of around 2k? Any advice...I kinda narrowed down to Jolida, Prima Luna, and Tri of Japan...the Tri TRV-35SE looked good. would appreciate any feedback ..thanks.
The Bada 222(?) from Pacific valve is very good. It's a hybrid 95 wpc. Smooth, powerful, detailed. Really nice and a 30 day trial. It's what I would own if I had to buy an inexpensive amp.
Look into Line Magnetic, I had cayin in the past nice sound
but no musical or 3D sounding what was ashame cause i like the amp. Ayon is in a different league awesome amps.
Love my Cayin A-88T Integrated. Got it used for $1200.00. Made to mimic the sound of a McIntosh MC275.
I'll do you one better. Skip the PrimaLuna and focus on Mystere products. Same company - high end line.

I can't say whether it's the best as I haven't directly compared with others you have lsited, but I'm listening to the Triode TRV-35SE as I write this and am really enjoying it. This unit has EH 6CA7s and NOS front end tubes which are a welcome improvement over the stock compliment.

As always, it will also depend on the interaction and synergy between your speakers and the amplifier you choose.

Good luck!